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Our heroes need your help!

The Witches have done terrible things. They made our heroes disappear! Well, as they hate children... We need the help of our allies!

Our allies are also heroes. They are characters of different books that help the heroes through the story. And now, they are going to help us!

The allies are going to introduce themselves, so you can recognize them when you enter a story.

I truly recommend you to visit Miss Honey first, after all, it all started in Matilda's World.

Willy Wonka

The chocolate maker

Hey, you! Can you help me? Oh, you are... Children. Well, I prefer my oompa loompas but... They are not exactly... "Creative". But I warn you: last time I decided to work with children, everything turned out badly. I hope you know how to behave well!

Welcome, my little friends! My name is Willy Wonka, and I gladly welcome you to my... well, factory? Right now, this is NOT a factory anymore. Those witches have invaded everything! They were saying something about a formula and about mice... I don't want mice in my factory! And my cookbook... They have destroyed it! I've lost all my recipes... Would you help me?

Miss Honey

The kind-hearted teacher


Matilda! Matilda? Where are you? Oh, excuse me, have you seen Matilda? She's a girl, six years old, she must have a book in her hands... Haven't you? Oh, my poor child... I think I will need your help!

I am Miss Honey. I'm a teacher, but a very good one. The witches have invaded my world, they came through a book. And now that Matilda has disappeared... Oh, and her favourite books... The witches have destroyed every book in the library! We need to repair those books and find some information to defeat the witches... Well, I'm sure you will be able to help us!

The giant

He's big and he's friendly

Hello! Oh, more little kids! Maybe you know Sophie! I don't know where she is... I must find her, she is teaching me English! Oh, maybe you are learing English as well? Good to know! Sophie always told me we giants speak a little weird, but not anymore.

The giants are back, and the witches have invaded our land! They have magic and they are trying to help the bad giants eat every little kid in the world! If only they ate snozzcumbers... I really need your help! Come to my house!

The Old-Green grasshopper

He's old and he's wise


About time! Oh, don't be scared! I'm a grasshopper, yes. I'm also giant, you are right. I may be a bug, as you humans call us, but I'm a good one! The thing is: have you seen these Witches? They are everywhere, and my friends, who happen to be giant insects, are very scared to help me! And James has been taken!

I think I know what's going on. James's evil aunts, Spiker and Sponge, are back. Not only them, but it seems an army of Spikers and Sponges have invaded everything. They are clones! I know that the witches are responsibles, so we'll do something. We'll get our revenge.


The expert witch hunter

I knew they were going to come back. It was only a matter of time. The witches are very dangerous, and every single child is in danger.

You can call me grandma. Simply grandma. I may seem old, but I am an expert when it comes to witches. I have been hunting them for years, but now my bones hurt, and I am not as strong as I was before. That's why I need your help. You are the only ones who can defeat the High Grand Witch. Before you help me, there are four heroes that also need your help. If you do it, I'll give you four parts of a password, and you'll be able to help me then.

Meet the allies
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